Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Three Months!

Today Daniel is 1/4 of a year old. I can not believe it. While Greg thinks it seems long ago that he was born, to me it really seems like a few weeks ago. I don't recall time flying by so quickly with the girls, but circumstances were very different, and I think I've blocked a lot of memories! It was an exciting month for the young man. He moved to his crib, and he stopped using the head rest in his car seat! Of course, both of these milestones were documented, and shall be scrapbooked in a year or two, if I'm lucky! He loves to talk, and occasionally give a little giggle. It melts my heart every time.

Emily has fulled embraced her status as the middle child. She sees even the most mundane events as tragic injustices in her life. While she loves Daniel dearly, she does not love being the middle child. Thankfully she doesn't blame him. She is a great big sister, eager to help any way she can. Sarah had some outpatient surgery yesterday. Mid-surgery, Duke came out and asked to do a little more than we had originally planned, so her recovery was not as smooth as we had hoped, but she's quite the trooper.

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