Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Emily's New 'Do

Last weekend, after weeks of asking, I finally took Emily to get her hair cut. I have a love/hate relationship with her hair, as she does. However, the love was fading fast! A few months ago, she took over the care of washing and brushing her very long locks, so life was easier for me, until a tangle. Thankfully, there were only a few, and never did we have to cut anything. She enjoyed two ponytails, and we all know hair is not my thing, but my skills were improving! However, with summer approaching, she wanted short hair, and who can argue with that? It was long enough to donate, so I was happy.

I hadn't realized just how long her hair was until just before she had it cut. I was a little sad to see it go, and concerned that she would want her long hair back once it was gone, but this was her third time donating, so I hoped that wouldn't be the case.

Once the hair was gone, Emily was thrilled! She says she is going to keep it short, but we'll see! All of her friends love it, too. Needless to say, it is much easier to brush! She is very happy, and that is the most important thing.

1 comment:

Jenny and Kevin said...

Wow, how awesome! She is sure good at growing it out.....I tried for another donation but got frustrated and am disappointed I did not make it....perhaps because I did not have my donating buddy to keep me motivated! Love the new do, looks great and she looks so grown up.....sigh......