Monday, June 8, 2009

Measuring Day: May 30, 2009

We have a Bowden family tradition of measuring the girls every year on May 30th on the wall by the garage door in the kitchen. Greg marks their height on the wall and measures how tall they are, and we compare each with their previous height. We had a lengthy discussion about Daniel's participation (when he should start). I really wanted him to get measured, but it didn't quite work so well. The girls tried to hold him up, but he was quite the wiggle worm! In the end, we worked it out, and it was an adventure trying! He loves to stand, but when held against the wall, he doesn't like it nearly as much! He had just been to the doctor and was measured at 27 inches (and just shy of 20 pounds), so we were curious to see how close we came to that number.

After all of the marks were made, we discovered Emily is 54 1/8 inches (a bit more than 3 inches taller than last year). Sarah is 50 3/16 inches (right about 3 inches taller), and Daniel is 26 3/4 inches tall. Now we have to wait another year to see how much they've grown!

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