Thursday, February 25, 2010

Emily Altar Serves- December 31, 2009

Emily has wanted to be an altar server ever since she made her First Communion in May of 2009. In October, she went to the training session, and then the waiting began. The new schedule didn't start until January 2010!

However, one day Mr. Murphy called to ask if she could serve on December 31st, the Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of Mary on January 1st. Needless to say, she was thrilled!

Andrea, the greatest cousin in the world, then called and asked if she, too, could serve with Emily. On the big day, Emily had all sorts of folks anxious to see her serve! Andrea helped her get dressed. She let Emily wear her necklace, too.

Before Mass, Emily was just a little nervous. She was a candle bearer, while Andrea carried the Crucifix. Father Nicholas was the celebrant. Emily had studied her papers, so she knew exactly what to do.

After Mass, Father Nicholas told the congregation that he was not the focus of the pictures, but our newest altar server was! He then thanked all of the altar servers for their time and dedication to the parish.

We were all very proud of Emily. Now she serves happily almost every week! Now, between Greg's duties as a lector, Children's Choir and altar serving, we rarely have all five Bowdens together in the same pew!

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