Monday, December 6, 2010

The Hike- August 1, 2010

Greg thought it would be fun to take the girls on a hike up to Looking Glass Rock. Someone had to stay at the cabin with Daniel, so I selflessly volunteered. Since I was not on the exciting outing, I shall let the Sarah tell you about the adventure.  She wrote this essay for school.

Sense of Place
By Sarah Bowden
21 November 2010

If you were to head to Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina, you may hear about Looking Glass Rock. You may also hear about the trail that leads to its astounding view at the summit. I have been on this trail before. The most simple way to put it is, for 3.1 miles, you are surrounded by one thing: nature. From beginning to end, you can see towering trees, lush green plants, immense rocks, and, near the start of this trail, hear a shallow stream brushing lightly against its rocky bottom, and that is only the basics. There is much more to see when you go on the trail.

When you start walking on the moist nature path, you first see a fallen tree to go over. The trail itself is well worn after being trampled by thousands of enthusiastic tourists’ feet. Later on the path, there is a sharp slope upward and you begin the hike toward the summit. There are thousands of leafy green trees- there are so many you can only see flecks of the bright blue sky. Covering the ground are rocks, ferns, vines, and other light green plants. The scents of plants and soil fill your nostrils as you go. Sometimes, you climb over rough, hard rocks partially covered by squishy, dark green moss. You continue climbing on this plant-crowded mountain until you reach the gigantic helicopter landing, an immense amount of rock where you can finally see a large piece of the sky. This is a sign that you are coming close to the top of Looking Glass Rock. When you finally move on, exposed roots provide dirt steps as you hike on the hill-like trail. Finally, you reach the rocky, slightly sloping summit dotted with smaller rocks and a few young trees. The view is simply breathtaking- and worth the climb!- as you stare at all of the miniature trees and mountains.

This place was so peaceful, so I feel at peace whenever I think about it. It also makes me realize that we need to protect our environment, or we wouldn’t have places as amazing as this trail. When I went on this trail with my family, it was incredibly long, but my family was persistent and determined to finish it. From this, I learned that you can go anywhere you want- as long as you have determination.

In conclusion, the trail to Looking Glass Rock was amazing and taught me many things.

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