Sunday, October 2, 2011

Aunt Chris & Uncle Bill- July 29-31, 2011

We had a great weekend with Nana at Aunt Chris & Uncle Bill's house.  While we were there, we celebrated Sarah's 12th birthday.  She usually has a pool party at Aunt Gene & Bubba's, but we downsized a little this year!  The festivities included a Slip "N Slide down the mountain (yes, the instructions specifically say do NOT place it on a hill), and a visit from Ashley and her beautiful horse.

The birthday girl takes a break from the Slip 'N Slide

The pool and the crowd may have been smaller, but the fun was super-sized!

Sarah was not as thrilled as we were about the Birthday Girl hat.

Emily was in charge of the decorations, and she did a super job!

Daniel loved to watch the "Wipe-Out" video of everyone on the Slip 'N Slide.  Perhaps we'll get the video posted on Camp Bowden one day!

Ashley brought her horse over for a visit.  Daniel wasn't a huge fan.  He would not pet the horse.

Uncle Bill could not resist the party hat!

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