Saturday, March 10, 2012

Harry Potter- February 9, 2012

Daniel's walk to and from the library is always quite the adventure.  His first obsession was kicking a rock.  This made out 20 minute walk easily 40 minutes.  He would pick a specific rock, and kick that one rock the entire way home.  Thankfully, this was only an "on the way home" activity.  His new "thing" is Harry Potter's wand. We always take the stairs to the library, not the hill, and we have a series of things we look for, including two basketball hoops and the steep driveway.  We have to walk on a set of rocks, stand on the tree stump, and touch the N, W, and S on the post in someone's yard (he hasn't discovered the E yet).  Now, in addition to all that, between the basketball hoop house and the tree stump house, we pick up EVERY SINGLE STICK, and proclaim, in wand-striking pose, "It's Harry Potter!"  This thrills Emily.  Of course, she has never experienced this walking adventure, she has only heard stories.  Yes, the days are long, but the years are short.

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