Thursday, April 28, 2011

Scrapbooking- March 11, 2011

 For 6 years, we have gathered every month (well, almost every month) for dinner and scrapbooking.  While some nights are more productive than others, we always have a great time looking at pictures, comparing products, planning scrapbook trips, and sharing tips and tools. 

We had a yummy cake to celebrate our anniversary.  Sharon was kind enough to serve us in between layouts!
 Daniel was not feeling the scrapbook love, so Nana let him color on her lap.  He'll color on anything, so we figured we'd better keep a close eye on him with all of our good paper around!  The girls always play on the Wii when we scrapbook, enjoying an opportunity to stay up later than usual!
Gene worked on some Christmas pages with Lincoln sitting on Santa's lap from their family trip to Disney World last Christmas.
Joanna worked on a countdown calendar for Lincoln for their next trip to Disney.  She had a zillion little numbers and Mickey-shaped cut-outs!

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