Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Grandma's Blanket

Daniel enjoys playing on the floor on his favorite blanket from Grandma in Washington.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Talking to Nana

Daniel was telling Nana a sweet story, so I attempted to capture the conversation. Once the camera was on, however, the sweet cooing noises were a thing of the past!

Nana repeatedly tried to get him back on track with his story, to no avail!

Emily even tried to help, but Daniel was not in the mood.

Finally, Emily decided she would sing a song to him instead.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thing 2

Last week, Emily's school celebrated Dr. Seuss all week long, ending with Character Day on Friday. Emily went as the cutest Thing 2 in the world!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Thumb Love

Daniel has finally found his thumb! He's still refining the technique, but it is a great sight. Since he can't keep a pacifier in, he's taken to sucking on his obdurator. This causes me great stress, as I worry he'll pull it out. I do not enjoy changing it . . . that is a Greg job! Also, once he has his surgery (late April, we hope), the obdurator will be replaced with a pin-retained prosthesis. I'm not sure how that will feel on his tongue, since it has screws on the side and the center has an expansion mechanism.

Last Friday he was treated to a brand new obdurator. It was a long day for the poor little guy. He doesn't know what to do without it for those few hours, and he can't eat. He has a few days free of the nasal stent since his mouth has to adjust to the new shape. On Wednesday he'll have the stent replaced.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

They Call It Puppy Love

The cow is still a favorite toy, but lately it is all about the puppy. He was a gift from our kind neighbors Bill & Sean. After a few weeks of putting him next to Daniel in the bouncy seat, Daniel has decided he really likes the puppy, especially if someone sings "Who let the dogs out?" to him. Puppy kisses are the highlight of his day!

Sarah's New Glasses!

Sarah loves her new glasses! She had to wait an extra day for them, but she agreed they were worth the wait!