Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Not Much To Do

Last Friday was Daniel's 5 month birthday! He's had a rough week, to say the least. He can't do any of his favorite things, such as hug Tigger or Puppy, play with toys, play on the floor, cuddle with mommy (he tries to rub his face on my shirt), suck his thumb, rub his eyes, or even put his wrist up to his mouth (he does this in bed at night). On Saturday he did turn a corner. We switched his bottle to the hummingbird (an inverted funnel nipple), and that made him happier than the feeder we were using. It is made of the same material as his regular nipple, and it uses his regular squeeze bottle. He's still not eating where he was pre-op, but he's taking more than 12 ounces a day! Last Friday we took him to the pediatrician to check his lungs (there are good), and learned he had lost half a pound in a few days.

Once his feeding improved, his sleeping improved, as well as his attitude. He slept through the night Sunday night for the first time since surgery. For the most part, his naps have gone back to his regular routine as well. He still has his moments of frustration, but overall he is much better. Occasionally he smiles and giggles, even. Those moments get me through. Oddly, one thing he can do is something he hated before surgery . . . the swing. I guess when one's options are so limited, the swing is awesome!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Daniel's Adventures in Surgery

Monday was quite an adventure. We arrived at St. Francis at 6:45 AM, and Daniel was all smiles and giggles. All of the doctors and nurses were amazed, as he had not eaten since 9:30 the night before. At 8:00 AM, he headed back to surgery in the arms of Jeff, the anesthesia nurse.

Surgery went very smoothly. Around 11:30, Duke came out and told us we'd go back to recovery in about half an hour, once he was awake from the anesthesia. Well, we waited patiently (okay, not so patiently), for well over an hour. The nurses called a few times to let us know he was still asleep and they'd let us know when he was awake. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the nurse called to say the tube was out, but they still had an oxygen mask on him, but we could come back if we wanted. So, excitedly, we headed back. Once in recovery, I was able to hold him as long as I kept an oxygen mask over his face. Occasionally we'd have to stimulate him and hold his chin up to help him get enough oxygen, but that was staring to not do the trick. Our nurse, God bless her, realized long before we did that things were not going well. She starting paging people long before I figured out there was a problem . . . and anyone who knows me knows my level of paranoia. As she took him from my arms, things moved very quickly, and I'll never hear the words "crash cart" without my heart jumping again. I glanced at the pulse ox, and saw his oxygen level was in the teens, and he was not a pretty color. We were shooed out, but allowed to wait just outside of recovery. I'm not sure how long we were out there, but it seemed like a lifetime. His carbon dioxide level was in the 60s, making it hard for him to get enough oxygen. In the end, they were able to get his oxygen level back up, but Dr. Hagerty (we call him Duke), who was as devastated as we were, wanted him transferred to MUSC's ICU. St. Francis doesn't have a PICU, and he was concerned something might happen during the night. So off we went to MUSC.

The transport team from MUSC came and had him safe and secure for the ride. One of the nurses from the team was Mark Daniell, so of course, we needed a picture for the Book of Daniels. We figured last names count. Before you think, what a nutcase I am for taking pictures, at this point, we knew we were out of the woods. Everyone was much calmer since he did not have to be intubated again.

Daniel slept through his first ambulance ride. We thought he would spend a few hours in the PICU then be transferred to a regular room, but in the end his doctor wanted him there all night . . . and what a long night it was! We had packed for our room at St. Francis, so we were not prepared for our lack of accommodations at MUSC. We took turns at his bedside, sneaking in a few hours of sleep each here and there in the waiting room, along with a few other parents. While there, we had three fabulous nurses. Everyone was amazed at how good natured Daniel was, including us. Finally, Tuesday afternoon, I was allowed to hold him again. It was heaven. Shortly after that, we were released. I felt a twinge of guilt, as were surrounded by children there for weeks and months, with no end in sight. It was heartbreaking. Father Frank came to visit us, and my dad brought us dinner, as he always does when anyone is in the hospital. I was able to see Pablo's baby sister Gabriele, who was born at 26 weeks. She is in the NICU, and her parents let me visit. She is so tiny and beautiful, weighing a tiny one pound 14 ounces. She is healthy, but she needs to do quite a bit of growing before she can come home.

At home, Daniel was happy to sit in his bouncy chair. We had taken it to the hospital, but alas, he could not have used it since he was so heavily medicated. We learned quickly that he breathed better flat on his back instead of upright.

We've discovered this surgery was much easier with a three or four month old than an almost five month old. Daniel had full use of his arms and hands, and was quite capable of using them to soothe himself. He enjoyed rolling over onto his side as well (but not over yet). A few weeks ago, he did not have these skills. With his arm restraints, he can't do either of these things, and he wants to make sure we know it. He registers his protest frequently, as well as his sadness with the world. I assure him it won't last forever, but I don't think he believes me.

Today he went to see Duke, and he removed the tape so we could admire his handiwork. What a handsome boy he is! He was re-taped, and he goes back next Friday to have the tape removed for good, and hopefully to be released from arm restraints! Currently, he is only eating about half of his normal amount. He uses a special bottle with tubing attached, and we squeeze the milk into his mouth. He prefers his regular bottle. He does not sleep well in his crib, so tonight we are thinking of keeping him in his bouncy chair. He usually keeps his arms by his side when he sleeps in it, so he doesn't mind the restraints as much. In his crib, he seems more determined to get them off (quite successfully). We are all counting down the days until he can be free again!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saying Good-bye to the Face We Love

Tomorrow is the big day for Daniel. We'll say farewell to the face we've known for almost five months, and hello to the new face we'll love for the rest of his life!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Surgery Update

Yesterday we found out that Daniel's surgery has been moved from 10:15 am to 8:00 am on Monday, April 20th. This brings us great joy, as we were concerned about his ability to be awake that long without eating, and it would have been Dr. Hagerty's second surgery that morning (he assured us that he'd be all warmed up for Daniel). Since most of the cleft repair surgeries take about 3-3 1/2 hours, I wasn't convinced he would be done with child #1 before 10:00. Now, we're set for 8:00, making the day a little less stressful for everyone at Camp Bowden.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Shake It Like a Polaroid!

Daniel, a man of action, has learned that when he shakes his leg, the bouncy seat bounces. Let's hear it for cause and effect!

Daniel Leaves the State!

Daniel had his first trip out of state for Easter weekend. We went to visit Aunt Debbie and her family in Cary, NC. He slept the entire way on our almost four hour journey.

Greg and I are the proud Godparents of Julia, so on Saturday we spent some time making her baptismal candle in Debbie's kitchen.

Our visit was filled with family fun, including a Saturday afternoon get-together with Nana B, Granny Gayle, Grandpa Charles, Greg's Aunt Irene & Uncle Bill, Greg's cousins Dan and Rick, along with Rick's wife Amy and daughter Katie, and all but Jonathan & Sean of the Marusak crew . . . Scott, Debbie, Kate, Travis (and his friend Bo), Trenton, and Julia.

Trenton, Julia, Sarah and Emily enjoyed countless games of Clue throughout the weekend. The girls also enjoyed entertaining the crowd on Uncle Scott's piano.

Nana B loved having both Daniel and Katie with her, in addition to the rest of her great-grandchildren. We hadn't all been together since her birthday party last summer.

Daniel was most excited to see Dan, since they have the same name. He had his picture taken with Dan for his Book of Daniels.

Saturday afternoon, Amy made a set of Resurrection Eggs with Sarah, Emily and Julia. She shared the Easter story and explained each of the symbols for the eggs, along with Bible readings for each egg. The girls loved the project. Everyone took turns reading from the Bible, and we were thrilled to hear one of the readings at Mass!

After our visit with all of the family, we went to the Easter Vigil Mass where Debbie joined the Catholic church, and Trenton and Julia were baptized. Daniel stayed with Katie and Megan while were we at the two and a half hour Mass. The Vigil Mass is an amazing service, full of so many important rituals in the Catholic church. I love the celebration of the Sacraments, and the joy of welcoming others into my faith. The night was amazing.

On Sunday the Easter Bunny dropped off all sorts of goodies at Aunt Debbie's house. I had left a note for the Easter Bunny to let him know where Sarah, Emily and Daniel would be, explaining that the best place to leave a basket would be Aunt Debbie's house.

Later that afternoon, we had a delicious dinner prepared by Nana B and Debbie. Ham, pork, sweet potatoes, lima beans (Trenton's favorite), mac & cheese, carrots, peas, potato salad, and countless other goodies were on the menu, followed by scrumptious Blue Moon cake. Yum. After a few final cuddles, we headed back home, tired, but filled with love.

Fun at Aunt Kathe's House

Just before Easter, on April 9, 2009, Daniel went to Aunt Kathe's to decorate eggs. He just watched, while Sarah and Emily did the bulk of the decorating! Andrea made a scavenger hunt for the girls, and they had a grand time running around the house finding everything.

Other Bowden Adventures

Sarah had an exciting day on April 2, 2009. First, she had Awards Day at school, where she received awards for being a straight A student and for meeting her reading goal.

Later that day, she played four songs for the students at her school as a part of Fine Arts Week. The finally song she played was The Magic Garden.

On April 3, 2009, my mom and I headed to New York to visit Aunt Chris & Uncle Bill. We took Aunt Chris to see Dirty Dancing in Boston. We had the time of our life! The show was incredible, and we all enjoyed the visit . . . except for the lobsters. While in Boston, we found ourselves on Scotia street, so we had to capture the moment, as Aunt Chris used to live in Scotia. The big lesson . . . take a taxi in Boston. It is cheaper than parking!

Supper Club

Jenny was the glue that held Supper Club together, and when she moved to Idaho (the nerve!) we were never the same. While we don't quite make dinner monthly, we do still live on, missing the entire Welsh family.

We have a great time with Tom, Emily, Isabel and Will. One day we will add another couple, but we'll never replace the Welshes!

Four Months Old!

Here are a few photos from his 1/3 birthday on March 24, 2009. Apparently, turning 1/3 year old is very tiring for Daniel! He's wearing one of my favorite outfits, a girt from Janice, one of my co-workers at church. At 4 months, he weighs in just under 17 pounds, and is 25 1/2 inches, making most of his 6 month outfits too short for him. In the true Bowden Family tradition, his head is 44 cm . . . lots of brains in there! His doctor suggested we start him on cereal, but since he won't be having a spoon anywhere near his mouth after surgery, we decided to wait. He'll be unhappy enough without missing solids on top of everything else!