Monday, August 8, 2011

Daniel & his Ladies- May 26, 2011

Miss Mindy (EI), Miss Ashley (Speech) & Miss Heather (OT) with Daniel.
Daniel for the longest time called Mindy and Heather "Not Miss Ashley."

Kailee's Graduation! May 20-23, 2011

Kailee & Andy demonstrate the huge size
capacity of her gown.
After five grueling months of chaos, I was thrilled to take a much needed vacation to beautiful Colorado to see one of my favorite families!  Kailee was graduating from high school, sniff, sniff, so I had to celebrate with her.  While I was there, I was charmed by her Calculus-loving boyfriend Andy, and pampered by my beloved Patti.  Complete with Scotcheroos and Lucky Charms, I was one happy camper.  Dave even made sure I had fresh coffee in the morning, not the day old stuff he drinks!  The weekend was way too short, but we packed a lot of fun into our time together!
My beloved Maggie!

Dave & Patti went to the field before dawn to score us some sweet seats!  Graduation was at 7:30 AM!!

Dave's dad tried his best to get Kristina to smile!

Patti's parents and her sister Deb made the drive from Nebraska to celebrate.  I had breakfast each morning with Mr. Marr since we were both still in earlier time zones!

Congratulatory hugs from Mom!

We sent this picture to Greg since he was unable to attend . . . it is a picture of him and me with Kailee from her kindergarten graduation.

Kailee & Kristina

My favorite picture, other than how old it makes me feel!

After the party, Andy (who also graduated with Kailee at 7:30 AM) was too tired to feed himself!

Andy & Kailee