Thursday, February 5, 2009

I had forgotten how tiring life with a newborn is, let alone a newborn with a cleft lip and palate. We have a rare treat this week with only one doctor's appointment! On Tuesday we saw Dr. Palmer and she added acrylic to his nasal stent. Dr. Palmer again stated that his nose would not be ready until May, making his first surgery later than I would like. One day I will actually call Dr. Hoy, his ENT, and see if that is too long to wait for tubes. He has failed two hearing tests, but this is not a shock, as virtually all children with cleft palates need tubes since the eustation tubes hook around your soft palate. Since the fluid can't properly drain, he can't hear. Once he has his tubes, his hearing should return to normal, thankfully.

Daniel was baptized on Saturday. It was a great time with family and friends. He wore the dress that has been worn by everyone except Andrea and me from Nanny (my maternal grandmother) on down the family tree. Andrea and I aren't bitter . . . really. Debbie, Scott, and 5 of the 6 kids were here, as well as Gayle and Nana B. Daniel was happy to have some quality snuggle time with everyone. My brother Jeff and Kathe, his wife, are his Godparents.

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