Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Aunt Chris & Uncle Bill

Daniel was thrilled to finally meet Uncle Bill! He had met Aunt Chris when she was here in August for Nanny's funeral, but we neglected to take any pictures. Everyone had a pleasant flight, and Bill said it wasn't nearly as bad as he thought it would be! Our crew, along with Bill & Chris, Nana, Joanna, Lincoln & Michael all descended on Richard & Gene's pool for some farewell to summer swimming. Sadly, it was chilly, so only Sarah, Emily, Lincoln, and his brave parents made it into the water! Next we headed to Mom's for a cook-out. Father Frank, Jeff, Kathe, Andrea, Kaitlynn, John, Judy and Clyde (with Cooper) joined the group, too. It was a fun day filled with food, family and friends!

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