Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Daniel's Party- November 29, 2009

We had a fun day with family and friends to celebrate Daniel's first birthday. Greg drove to Columbia to pick up Nana B. and Gayle for the day so they could be with us, too. Sarah and Nana B. had a great time catching up.

Daniel and Uncle Jeff always have a good time. Daniel's favorite game involves stealing Uncle Jeff's hat! Kathe and Andrea celebrated with us, as well.

Debbie, Scott, Sean, Travis, Trenton & Julia were here from North Carolina. Sadly, Uncle Scott didn't feel well, so he and his germs stayed at the hotel under the care of Sean and Travis!

Daniel had a great time opening presents!

His favorite thing was the Backyardigans birthday card from Lincoln. He still carries the pieces around! He loved it so much it fell apart on him.

After the presents, we sang "Happy Birthday" and gave Daniel his cake. After a few bites, he decided he loved it!

After mashing all that cake, he grew tired, so Nana helped him out a bit!

Daniel is so blessed to have so many family and friends to wish him a happy first birthday!

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