Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Birthday, Emily!- December 23, 2009

Emily was eager to wake up on her birthday because she had been waiting forever for one of her birthday presents . . . Julie! Aunt Debbie & Uncle Scott had given Sarah an American Girl doll for her birthday, and they told Emily she could have one for her birthday, too. Emily spent months deciding which doll she wanted. She had a few in mind, but in the end, she went with Julie, a child of the carefree 70s. When it arrived in the mail, I hid it, so she didn't know that she would get it on her actual birthday, but she did! Nana gave her several outfits, so Julie was well-stocked moments after being opened!

This year, Emily finally began to appreciate the yearly letters from Aunt Chris. When she was born, Auntie penned "Advice to the Second Born." Then, each year on her birthday, Emily gets a new letter to add to her notebook. This year, a few weeks after her birthday, she asked where the notebook was, and sat and read each letter. She dashed off to write Aunt Chris back. I'm glad she sees them for the treasures they are!

Sadly, it was not all fun & games for the Emmer's big day. On your birthday at Camp Bowden, you get to pick where we celebrate your birthday dinner. Emily wanted to go to Outback to celebrate. We made plans to go see Nana B, and then we were going to meet Granny Gayle for dinner at Outback since Grandpa had to work. Well, when we arrived at Nana B's house, she showed us a very swollen and bruised forearm. We immediately took her to the emergency room, where Emily celebrated her birthday dinner with a vending machine hamburger! She was a trooper, knowing that Nana B needed to be taken care of first and foremost. In the end, we discovered Nana B had broken a tendon in her arm. It was very painful for her, but she is on the mend! We are just glad we were there to help out!

A few days later, we celebrated at Outback closer to home with Nana and Andrea!

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