Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sarah's Surgery- February 15, 2010

On February 15th, we packed our bags and headed to St. Francis with Sarah for her fun & exciting gum line closure. This is the last step (usually) in the cleft repair, so we were all excited! We'd been through the lip repair, soft palate, and hard palate (twice repairs. Her arch had been expanded beautifully, thanks to Dr. Vincent, and she was ready to go. Dr. Hagerty removed some bone from her hip, and Dr. Strauss packed it in her gum line. Everything went smoothly.

After a long week and a half at home, she went back to school, still on a soft food diet. If she never ate mashed potatoes again, who could blame her? Mrs. Marino & Mrs. Motroni were great about sending her work and answering questions via e-mail, as the school district denied her home bound request. We did discover that she will need another bone graft since her cleft is pretty impressive, but we won't need the hip bone to do that, thankfully, as that was the worst part of the recovery for her.

Surprise! February 14, 2010

After some secretive plans, we were all happy the snow melted in time for Jeff's surprise 40th birthday party!

Jeff thought he was taking Andrea to a father/daughter dance, but alas, we pulled the wool over his eyes! We had a great time with family and friends celebrating 4 decades of Jeff. Andrea made an awesome slide show of pictures sent by friends and family that played throughout the party. We all enjoyed having a chuckle at Jeff's time in the 80s. Good stuff.

There was music, balloons, dancing, cake, and yummy food for all. Jeff seemed surprised, so we were all very happy. While Andrea smartly brought a change of clothes for herself, Jeff had to stay in his "dance" attire!

We all signed a big 4-0 sign for Jeff to remember his special day (his actual birthday was the following day on the 15th).

Daniel had a ball running around and making new friends. He was very fond of the daughter of one of Jeff's coworkers. He also enjoyed attacking Papa! It was a great day for all!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Snow- February 12-13, 2010

We don't get much snow in our neck of the woods, so everyone was excited when the weatherman predicted a night of snow. He did not let us down! Thankfully, the kids were already scheduled to have a day off on Friday, February 12th. The snow started falling in the early evening, and it didn't stop until the wee hours of the morning! The girls had a blast in the five inches in our yard, while Daniel preferred (much like his mother) to enjoy it through a window from the comfort of a toasty warm living room!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Something's Fishy- February 4, 2010

Gene, Lincoln, Daniel & I spent a fun day at the Aquarium!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jenny! January 8-11, 2010

My super-duper awesome husband gave me the greatest Christmas present EVER . . . a weekend with JENNY! After much scheming and planning, the trip was set for the second weekend of January. I found out on Christmas morning, and counted the days until the big event!

Sarah & Emily made some awesome signs to welcome Jenny when she arrived from her l-o-n-g cross country flight. This was her first trip back since the big move, so we were thrilled!

We had a great weekend catching up. Kevin had met Daniel on a quick trip, but Jenny had not. Daniel wanted to make a good impression, so he wore his Buzz Lightyear jammies. He had heard Jenny was a sucker for little guys who loved Buzz! We had a girl's night complete with friends, a movie, and dinner . . . and no kids menus in sight! We went to Mepkin Abbey, and played a lot of Wii. It was a great weekend, but it went by too quickly!

While I was sad to see Jenny go, I knew she missed her two little ones, and I guess she missed Kevin, too. So with a heavy heart, I sent her back home.

Click here to see Jenny's blog full of pictures!

Emily's Never-Ending Birthday Continues- January 1-2, 2010

After a week of celebrating Emily's birthday in various locations throughout the state, we looked forward to her January 1st slumber party with Sarah, Caroline, Bailey, and Sarah H. Really, who doesn't love a slumber party after a huge party for 35 of our closest friends?

The party began at the Bowden Bowl Bash, but after the game, we kicked out the Penn State crowd and switched gears with a real winning combination . . . tacos and Harry Potter!

After some Harry Potter themed games, dinner, cake, and presents, the girls settled in to watch Harry Potter.

The next morning, there was more Harry Potter movie magic, and a yummy breakfast of Dunkin' Doughnuts. Then we said good-bye . . . and took a nap!

5th Annual Bowden Bowl Bash- January 1, 2010

The Fathead Curse was broken on January 1, 2010 at the 5th Annual Bowden Bowl Bash! Penn State beat LSU in a nail-biter of a game. We had a great time with family and friends, and we look forward to Penn State's 2010 season.