Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jenny! January 8-11, 2010

My super-duper awesome husband gave me the greatest Christmas present EVER . . . a weekend with JENNY! After much scheming and planning, the trip was set for the second weekend of January. I found out on Christmas morning, and counted the days until the big event!

Sarah & Emily made some awesome signs to welcome Jenny when she arrived from her l-o-n-g cross country flight. This was her first trip back since the big move, so we were thrilled!

We had a great weekend catching up. Kevin had met Daniel on a quick trip, but Jenny had not. Daniel wanted to make a good impression, so he wore his Buzz Lightyear jammies. He had heard Jenny was a sucker for little guys who loved Buzz! We had a girl's night complete with friends, a movie, and dinner . . . and no kids menus in sight! We went to Mepkin Abbey, and played a lot of Wii. It was a great weekend, but it went by too quickly!

While I was sad to see Jenny go, I knew she missed her two little ones, and I guess she missed Kevin, too. So with a heavy heart, I sent her back home.

Click here to see Jenny's blog full of pictures!

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