Friday, November 5, 2010

Fun in the ATL! July 10-12, 2010

We had the best girls' weekend ever in Atlanta with Debbie and Julia.  We planned the trip with the express purpose of hitting the American Girl store, but it morphed into a Top Chef culinary tour as well!  Sarah & Emily loved having uninterrupted time with their cousin Julia (and their three dolls), and I loved the chance to hang out with Debbie!  We arrived Friday, just in the nick of time for our reservations at Kevin Gillespie's delicious Woodfire Grill.  Julia and Emily had their first tasting menu.  We pity the boys they date.  The girls loved everything, but Debbie and I decided not to tell them what sweetbreads really are.  Sarah had the salmon, and she loved it.  After some swim time, we turned in for the night.  The next morning, we headed to the American Girl store.  We picked up just a few things for the girls, and had the cutest birthday party ever for Julia (it was so worth the wait!).  Our next stop was Centennial park, where the girls played in the park with approximately eight million people.  We dined at Richard Blais' flip burger boutique, where the onion rings were divine and the shakes were out of this world!  My steak tartare burger was pretty awesome, too.  On Monday, we had a leisurely breakfast, and went our separate ways, already talking about out next girls' weekend!
Aunt Debbie & Sarah at Woodfire Grill

Three cute cousins- Sarah, Julia & Emily

Julia & Sarah jump in the pool

Emily & Julie, Sarah & Felicity, Julia & Emily
This picture cracks me up because Emily is about to jump, so she is squatting down, and Julia is jumping, so the three girls look like they are the same height.

Happy 10th birthday, Julia!


Emily, Julia & Sarah head to the fountain, but Debbie and I decided to stay on the benches!

Dolls Felicity, Emily & Julie joined us for dinner at flip!
Want to see even more pictures?  Click here!

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