Wednesday, February 29, 2012

November 29, 2011

I never quite managed to throw out the pumpkin.  Thankfully, I had moved it off of the front porch!  So, if you want a gross, moldy pumpkin next Halloween, carve it in late September and let it sit around outside.
My Cheerwine stash was getting a little low. so my super-awesome mother sent me not one, not two, not three, but FOUR 12 packs.  Ahhhhhh . . . bubbly goodness.  I'm drinking one right now.
Daniel loves his ESPNUs, and he felt Cocky needed a lesson in who was who.  He spends a fair amount of time watching the slide show of about 170 different mascots!


Kristin said...

Hopefully he knows which one is Smokey. I'll have to look into getting him his own stuffed Smokey. He and Cocky could be friends, until the dreaded UT - South Carolina game rolls around, and then Cocky could ride on his back.

kris10 said...

According to Daniel, UT's ESPNU is "an orange ESPNU!" We'll have to teach him about Smokey, as he is not represented in the ESPNU. Thankfully, we have all spring and summer!