Thursday, March 1, 2012

Snazzy New Hard Palate- January 17, 2012

We left in the wee hours of the morning for Daniel's surgery on Tuesday.  He was scheduled to have an MRI, then go straight from the MRI to surgery, all under general anesthesia.  While we waited for the MRI, he opened the first of his 14 days of presents from Nana.  Day one was a soft USC football.  Needless to say, he LOVED it, and it occupied him for most of the long wait.  He also enjoyed his beloved ESPNU book!

After the MRI, we walked with them as they rolled him up to the surgery floor.  He had quite an entourage since he was still under the anesthesia.  We met briefly with his plastic surgeon and off he went for a snazzy new hard palate.  The surgery was only about three hours, and everything went well.  We met him in recovery, and he was very happy to snuggle with mommy.  Of course, after Daniel's first adventure in surgery, I am always a little anxious in recovery.  Thankfully, he seemed to be doing well, and we were sent to our room around 3:00 PM.  It was a long night, but we all survived.

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