Friday, December 28, 2012

The Big Storm- June 30-July 5, 2012

Around 10:00 PM Friday night, a big storm was a-brewing, and our power went out for a week.  Good times.  Our beloved friend Michael Hill kindly took us in, and we had a quite the fun time hanging out at his place!  We still owe him an Orioles game.

Trees were down all around us, but we were very lucky!

Sarah had math work to do!

On our second night there, we noted Daniel was awfully quiet.  We went looking, and discovered Daniel curled up on Michael's bed fast asleep.  I was mortified, but thankfully, he thought it was cute!

We had stuff all over Michael's house!

April was a trooper!  She liked to keep an eye on Daniel.

Daniel had a full day of playing!

You know he can't resist a dishwasher!

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