Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Christmas Concerts- December 17, 2012

The Jazz Band, Glee Club, and Concert Band put on a great Winter Concert!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Stuffing a Turkey- December 17, 2012

In order to make turkey soup, we had to cook a turkey!  Papa and Emily had some quality time together stuffing the bird.

Star- December 16, 2012

It was Sarah's year to put the star on the tree!

Train! December 15, 2012

I tried my best to get a cute picture of these two crazy guys on the train . . . if only I could photoshop two of them together!

Best Burger Ever- December 13, 2012

Papa came for a visit, and while we wandered lost through the most confusing shopping mall in America, we ended up at a cozy table eating the best, most rare burgers ever.  No picture of the burger, but here's Papa with Daniel looking at something which is certainly Gamecock related!!

Later, while Daniel was at school for speech, we discovered Sarah's self portrait hanging in the front hall at school.

December 5, 2012

Lincoln's on the roof!!

Tree Time- December 1, 2012

We found the perfect tree in Pine Valley!

Bradley's Wedding- November 24, 2012

Daniel shared his 4th birthday with both the Carolina-Clemson game and Bradley's wedding!

Daniel loved his new Gamecock football!

Daniel & Greg before the ceremony

The wedding party

Emily in her Clemson dress
Sarah & Daniel in Gamecock colors

Aunt Kathe & Andrea

Uncle Jeff, Aunt Kathe & Andrea
Note to Jeff:  I lovingly did not use the picture with you sticking your tongue out!


Silly Daniel & Uncle Jeff

Papa & Andrea

Andrea and Emily
Papa had Gamecock stickers for everyone, but a Clemson sticker for Emily

B'dette and Bradley dance

Sarah, Emily & Andrea dance

More cousin dancing!

Papa does the Twist

Greg checks on the Penn State score!

Sarah & Bradley dance

Sarah caught the bouquet!

Emily dances with Daniel

November 23, 2012

We had a busy day after Thanksgiving.  Greg and Sarah went to visit Nana B. and Granny Gayle, while the rest of us went to help with the rehearsal dinner for Bradley's wedding!

Sarah & Nana B.

Granny Gayle

At the rehearsal dinner, we had lots and lots of oysters.  There was other food, but really, why?