Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bradley's Wedding- November 24, 2012

Daniel shared his 4th birthday with both the Carolina-Clemson game and Bradley's wedding!

Daniel loved his new Gamecock football!

Daniel & Greg before the ceremony

The wedding party

Emily in her Clemson dress
Sarah & Daniel in Gamecock colors

Aunt Kathe & Andrea

Uncle Jeff, Aunt Kathe & Andrea
Note to Jeff:  I lovingly did not use the picture with you sticking your tongue out!


Silly Daniel & Uncle Jeff

Papa & Andrea

Andrea and Emily
Papa had Gamecock stickers for everyone, but a Clemson sticker for Emily

B'dette and Bradley dance

Sarah, Emily & Andrea dance

More cousin dancing!

Papa does the Twist

Greg checks on the Penn State score!

Sarah & Bradley dance

Sarah caught the bouquet!

Emily dances with Daniel

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