Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 1 at Debbie's- June 27, 2009

We headed to beautiful North Carolina to celebrate Julia's birthday (about two weeks after the fact). Since Jonathan was in town, we decided to take a chance and get the cousins in a photo together. Many of you may not be aware of our past attempts with only 6 cousins. Let's just say it wasn't pretty. Well, because of our horrific experiences (yes, plural), Debbie had her friend come to take the picture, and I captured the process. To see the final shot, visit Marusak Madness. Now, you might be asking why Sean is holding Daniel in the first shot, but not the final picture. Well, Sean has this thing where he pretends not to know me. He always asks who I am. On the way out to take the picture, he said he wanted to hold the baby. I told him if he could identify all three of my children, then he could hold the baby. Immediately, he correctly stated Sarah, Emily & Daniel. I was impressed, but not ready to fork over the kid.
I thought I could stump him by adding that he must match each child to the proper name, thinking he'd never know Sarah from Emily (Sean lives with his mom, so we don't see him as much as we see the other cousins). Well, he nailed it, so I passed over the child. Once he had his turn, Kate was there to scoop up the boy!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Yes...I remember the attempt at the picture...