Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fun with the Fowlers

While visiting Daniel & Kathy Fowler, we went to see some baby donkeys. Not only were the donkeys tiny because they were babies, but they were miniature donkeys. I thought they should get one as a pet, but alas, Daniel (D) seems to think there is some ordinance against donkeys in the city. Whatever. They were so cute! We also saw a very pregnant donkey. We had hoped she would have her baby while we were there, but she didn't.
After the donkeys, Daniel (D), Greg and the girls went to the fossil museum. The girls were thrilled to dig for fossils, do some rubbings, and dig and discover.
On Sunday, the lawn mower provided hours of entertainment for the girls. Sarah and Emily each had a turn riding the mower around the huge backyard. Fear not, they were sitting with Greg and Daniel (D) made sure the blade was off the entire time.

Daniel(d) loved all of the extra attention from two wonderful friends. We had a great weekend, and the girls are still taking about Taco, perhaps the sweetest dog in the world. I am hoping Daniel (D) has a picture of Daniel (d) with Taco, otherwise we'll have to get one when they visit soon! Also, while we were there, Daniel (d) finally got a tooth!

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