Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thanksgiving- November 26, 2009

Last Thanksgiving, we were still at Saint Francis waiting to be sprung (thinking the day would never come!), so this was Daniel's first normal Thanksgiving! We started the day watching the May's Thanksgiving Day Parade, a personal favorite for me!

The girls enjoy the parade as much as I do, so we had a great time watching the balloons, Rockettes, floats, and bands. Somehow, the girls thought Greg and I had met at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, so we had fun sharing the real story of how we met!

After the Parade, we headed to Nana's house for Thanksgiving dinner. The menu included all of the family favorites. Kathe and I brought some side dishes, and Nana made everything else.

Sarah & Emily helped Nana set the table. They do a great job putting all of the utensils in their proper places. They even remembered to put the knives with the cutting edge toward the plate. It makes a mother proud!

The girls also made place cards for everyone, and paper cranes, Sarah's origami specialty!

After our delectable dinner, Jeff and John set up Nana's Christmas tree.

Greg kept Daniel company while he took a little nap and the girls enjoyed some time on Nana's Wii. It was a great day with family and friends!

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