Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Tree- November 27, 2009

Every year, we go on an adventure to cut down our Christmas tree. We used to do this with our friends, the Nagles. Then they moved to New York. Then we did it with out friends the Welshes. Then they moved to Idaho. Hum. Now we go alone, for fear of sending more friends even further away! I have always enjoyed getting the tree Thanksgiving weekend, but that is a feat we had not managed to pull off in more years than I care to admit. This year, however, we were on the ball!!

We started the day at the Creche exhibit at Mepkin Abbey. We were amazed at the many different nativity scenes, and the beautiful paper crane tree (Sarah loved this, especially). There was a Joseph display at the exhibit, and we all thought this one looked like Father Frank!

Next, we headed to the tree farm in Jeff's big truck. We managed to pick out a tree in no time, but it was much smaller than any of our recent trees. We figured since we never get around to putting all of the ornaments up, it would be okay!

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