Sunday, December 12, 2010

Exploring- August 5, 2010

On Thursday, we packed in all sorts of excitement! First, we went to see some of the many other waterfalls in the area. We went on a short hike to see this area, which had a great swimming area, so we took mental notes to return here next year. Next, we met Greg's friend Patti at a diner in Brevard. They worked together at Wesley Common when Greg was first starting out as a consultant. Patti had not seen Sarah or Emily since they were about 3 and 1 1/2! Our next task was a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway. I loved watching the temperature drop as we drove higher and higher. Greg took lots of great pictures, but alas, I am only showing one.

Sarah, Kristen, Daniel & Emily

Patti & Greg

Blue Ridge Parkway

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