Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sarah is the Big 1-1! August 8, 2010

After our week-long get-away, we headed home on the 7th, and then packed up for a day trip to Edisto to hang out with Papa & B'dette.  This was Daniel's first trip to the beach, which I know, may seem like a  crime since we live so close, blah, blah, blah.  The beach is not my cup of tea with small children.  I am paranoid.  However, with 4 adults and 3 kids, I figured I could handle it.  We had a great time, and everyone loved the beach.  We made three outings, the first to the beach side, and it was fun for all.  At nap time, we played an exciting game of clue while Daniel napped, followed by cake to celebrate Sarah's 11th birthday.  Then we headed back to the beach, but the waves were insane (others will agree . . . it was not just me!).  So, we headed over to the river side.  After our water time, we met up with various sisters from the Whitney family for dinner & playtime.  April and I attempted to recreate our almost two year old belly photo with James and Daniel, but alas, Daniel was "all done" at that point!  There are many pictures of our fun day, but I don't have them, so we'll just have to wait!

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