Thursday, September 29, 2011

Emily's Bone Graft- July 19-20, 2011

Emily had the cleft in her gum line closed on our 14th wedding anniversary.  Debbie, Scott, TJ & Julia came down to take care of Daniel & Sarah while we spent the night with Emily in the hospital.  This was our first surgery in our new state, so we were curious to see how things would be different.  Everything went smoothly, and Emily was a trooper!

Aunt Debbie braids Emily's hair before we head to the hospital for her afternoon surgery

Hugging Bimble while waiting with Daddy

We had to take this picture and email it to Sarah H., which I lovingly did.  I didn't ask why, I just did it!

Emily had bone taken from her hip and put in the cleft in her gum line.  She also had a cyst removed from her nose.  The cyst ended up being the biggest challenge because it was huge!

Emily was so happy to have food since she couldn't eat all day Tuesday!

The view from her room

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