Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pack it Up, Pack it In- June 8, 2011

Oh, how naive we were.  The plan was to load up the truck and then head out on our way to the new house, stopping to spend the night at Debbie & Scott's house.  The movers arrived that morning, and started working hard labeling non-boxed items and taking furniture apart.  Around 1:00 PM, we started thinking maybe we underestimated the time frame.  Wallace the Mover told me this would be an all day task.  So, we figured we'd get to  Debbie's later than we had anticipated, no problem.  Well, at 10:30 PM, they were wrapping it up, exhausted.  We had a great team of four hardworking guys, and we bid them farewell, with Friday set as the delivery day.

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