Monday, October 3, 2011

Michelle, Neal & Hazel- August 11, 2011

Hazel and Emily play peek-a-boo around the bubble tubes!
We had a fun visit with my dear (not old) friend Michelle, who I have know since, honestly, I can not recall.  We took dance lessons together with Miss Ellie, and we also went to high school together.  Thankfully (for both of us), my scanner has not been connected since the move, so I won't add pictures of Michelle and me in some pretty interesting dance costumes through the years!

I hadn't seen Michelle since her wedding, and I had never met the adorable Miss Hazel, other than her adorable photos and videos on facebook.  Needless to say, the girls were smitten with Hazel, and Daniel also thought she was pretty special.  He continued to say good-bye to her well into the night.  Sadly, we failed to take a picture of the two of them together. Neal and Greg were also under-represented in the pictures.  I'm sure Emily took a zillion pictures, so I must find her camera and check!
Sarah and Hazel discuss the fish.

Michelle & Kristen

1 comment:

To Love What is Mortal said...

Well, hey, we made your blog! SO good too see you & will look forward to the next time!