Monday, October 3, 2011

Zoo fun with Granny Gayle & Grandpa Charles- September 3, 2011

Emily, Sarah, Granny Gayle & Grandpa Charles on the tram

Grandpa Charles, Granny Gayle, Greg, Emily & Sarah look at a yellow and black striped snake

Emily & Daniel on a turtle

Sarah, Emily, Daniel, Greg & Grandpa Charles enjoy the animals

Everyone enjoys the play area

Sarah & Emily were happy to get in the turtle shells for a cute picture, but Daniel was not!

After the turtle picture, the girls were ready to be all done with the pictures!  Daniel was much happier with this one.

The petting zoo had lots of goats

Everyone needed a little rest because it was pretty warm outside.  This was Greg, Sarah & Daniel's second zoo trip.  The last time they went, they had to close down because of the heat!  Thankfully, it was not that hot during our visit.

Emily rides a camel, waving to her subjects

Sarah enjoys the camel ride

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