Monday, May 11, 2009

Always at the Dentist

It seems like I am perpetually on the way to the dentist. Daniel had to go every week from birth through his surgery. I foolishly thought I'd be done with the dentist for a little while. Now Sarah is starting her orthodontic work, so this month, she has three orthodontist appointments for her appliance to expand part of her arch and one dentist appointment to have a tooth extracted. Naturally, Dr. Vincent is even further away than Dr. Palmer! Adding to the excitement, she swallowed a spacer at appointment #2 today. This is apparently a big deal, and we must find it. Yes, I am serious. Since my original post, I've earned she didn't swallow a spacer . . . she swallowed a metal band. Now things make more sense, especially the need to find it and the ability to see it on an x-ray. I can't imagine how she did it without shredding her esophagus, but she apparently did.
Daniel is still learning how to eat his cereal. Today he broadened his culinary experience with some applesauce. I'm not entirely sure he enjoyed it. He made quite a few funny faces, perhaps shocked by the sweetness.

Daniel started rolling over last week. He is very proud of himself, and he enjoys his floor time so much more now. He can't quite free his arm completely when he rolls over, but he is getting better. I've tried to capture the moment on video, but he is a tricky little fellow!

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