Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Last Friday was the happiest day of Daniel's life. He was finally released from is arm restraints!! All day he would tentatively bring his hand up to his mouth, look at you, then pull it away. We kept telling him it was okay, but it took some time for him to get it. We had hoped that once he had his arms free he would go back to sleeping through the night. This has not been the case. While he was in restraints, he did not sleep in his crib (when he did, those arms broke free in a flash). He seems to be having some trouble readjusting to life in the crib. He wakes up once (often twice) during the night wanting to eat. We started him on cereal on Friday as well, but even that has not satisfied him! He's making up for his missed meals during recovery! On top of all of his mouth trauma, he is teething as well.

1 comment:

Jenny and Kevin said...

I hate that I am missing all this in person....agonizing! Love to hear the girls giggling in the background. He is doing great!