Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nine Months Old- August 24, 2009

The Buddy turned nine months old yesterday! This past month he has learned a variety of useful life skills, such as going from sitting to his belly without just flopping, putting Cheerios in is mouth (although he prefers the assistance of mommy), and getting around faster than you can say boo. His favorite phrase remains "Yah! Yah! Yah! Yah!" He weighs in at a hefty 23 1/2 pounds, and is 29 1/2 inches tall. His head size . . . off the chart at 19 1/2 inches (yes, she triple checked). This month he also moved to a new car seat. The weight limit on the carrier was 22 pounds, so he's in a roomier convertible car seat that we can switch to front facing in three more months. He's counting down the days until his first airplane ride!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And Then There Was One . . .

After an action-packed summer, the first day of school is here! The girls showered Daniel with kisses and love to get him through the 6 1/2 hours they'll be away from him. I am curious to see how he reacts to their absence.
We dropped Sarah off at the elementary school first, then we took Emily to the primary school. I spared them the embarrassment of taking a picture with their teacher.
Now, I'm going to pour myself a cup of coffee, and watch a little GMA!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Baby in a Box!

Daniel still loves his box!

Family Fun- August 9, 2009

On Sunday, Granny Gayle and Grandpa came down from Columbia to visit. Nana B. wasn't feeling well, so she wasn't able to come. We still had Debbie, Scott, Travis, Trenton and Julia as well, so it was quite the family reunion! Sarah and Emily spent about three weeks preparing a recital for everyone. We were treated to piano, song, dance and guitar. It was quite a show, complete with costumes and a program!
After a yummy pot of Beaufort Bog and cornbread, we all gathered around the table for our standard Sunday activity . . . Family Game Night! It was my week to pick, so I went with Apples to Apples (Jr.). With 11 players (poor Daniel was tuckered out and in bed shortly after 7:00 PM), the game was fun and exciting!
In the end, Granny Gayle whipped us all, scoring three cards. Everyone had a great time, and we can't wait to play again!

Sarah is the Big 1-0!

We celebrated Sarah's 10th birthday with a rockin' pool party at Aunt Gene & Bubba's house! We had a fabulous day swimming, eating cake & ice cream, and opening presents.

Nanny and Bapa are together again

On Wednesday, August 5th, as Father Frank, Father Liam, Father Ed, Father Ted and Father Melvin were offering prayers for Nanny after daily Mass at Immaculate Conception, Nanny left us here on earth to join her beloved husband after 18 years apart. While we are sad beyond belief in her passing, we know that we will meet her again one day. She is free from her suffering. She lived an amazing life full of love and joy, and I am grateful for the wonderful memories I have with her. We will not be the same without her, but her love stays with us always.

Our Final Day of Vacation- August 2, 2009

We had a wonderful week away from the world in our cabin in the woods, with no Internet, no computers, and very little cell service. We had completed two large puzzles, and read about half of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. We had played countless games of Life and Harry Potter Clue, and ate some delicious food in out-of-the way diners and restaurants. The only thing lift on the list . . . Emily wanted some red clay. Greg took Sarah and Emily on an adventure around the property, and Emily, armed with a baby food jar, compass, and binoculars, went in search of some clay. Victory was hers, and she was thrilled. We hope to vacation in Western North Carolina again. It was an amazing place!

Pisgah National Forest- August 1, 2009

We decided to spend our last full day in North Carolina at our favorite place- Looking Glass waterfall in Pisgah National Forest. Since it was Saturday, we figured Sliding Rock would be a zoo, so we decided we'd play in the waterfall and skip the rock, knowing that the fall might be crowded, too. When we arrived at the park, I went to the Ranger Station and picked up a waterfall map, thinking another fall might be less crowded. We headed to Looking Glass and played for quite some time. Greg took each of the girls on an adventure climbing rocks to get to the base of the fall. Daniel splashed and played on some rocks, but the water was too deep in most places for him to sit and play in the water. We saw a snake who looked very nervous about all of the people. We went down the stream quite a bit, where the girls enjoyed crossing the river on a large tree that hat fallen across the stream.
After our time at Looking Glass, we headed to another waterfall on our map that only involved a short hike with the baby. We found a beautiful fall, but it wasn't really conducive to frolicking, as we had hoped. We saw another snake, too! We decided to head back down and stop along the road to find a spot to play in the river, and that's where we found the perfect spot!
Hidden just off from one of the picnic areas, while Daniel had his dinner, Greg and the girls crossed a small stream and discovered a play land made for the entire family. It was breathtakingly beautiful, and we wished we had gone straight there! Daniel had a ball playing in the shallow water. He would pick up a rock, drop it, and watch it drift away in the current. Emily had fun sliding down a tiny waterfall, and Sarah enjoyed playing in the various "pools" created by rocks. There was a makeshift diving platform that must have been 8-10 feet high, but we didn't experience that. We did, however, enjoy watching others! It was the perfect spot, and a perfect end to our day!

Horseback Riding- July 31, 2009

Friday afternoon brought horseback riding for Greg and the girls. Sarah and Frosty

Emily and Gypsy

Lake Lure- July 31, 2009

Our Friday began with an hour long boat tour of Lake Lure. The weather was sketchy, with some light drizzling, but the tour went on, and we were happy for the cool breeze on the lake. On the tour, we learned all about the man-made lake, and saw some beautiful lakefront homes. We saw the site where Dirty Dancing was filmed, but sadly, most of it was lost in a fire. You can still see the stairs that Baby used when carrying the watermelon to the party, but that's about it. The site is beautiful. The tour also had some great views of Chimney Rock and the waterfall the girls went to on Monday.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sliding Rock- July 30, 2009

On Thursday, we headed to Pisgah National Forest to visit Sliding Rock. On the way (it was about an hour and a half from where we were staying), we randomly selected Grass Roots Cafe as our lunch location. It was delicious! As a matter of fact, it was so good, we stopped on the way home to order some desserts to go.

Emily, Greg and Sarah braved to chilly water (48-58 degrees), but I graciously offered to keep Daniel company. He loved watching people slide down the rock from the observation deck!

Gem Mining- July 29, 2009

Wednesday's vacation activity was just a short 5-10 minute drive away from our cabin. The girls went gem mining! They had a ball scooping and sifting, while Daniel entertained himself in the rushing water. They found all sorts of stones, but the biggest stone was a huge amethyst that Emily found.

Linville Caverns- July 28, 2009

On Tuesday, we headed to Linville Caverns. Having been on cavern adventures with Andrea and Aunt Chris, as well as Nanny and Bapa in my youth, I was most excited about this day trip!
The cavern was a cool and refreshing 52 degrees. Daniel, a very hot baby, loved it so much, he fell asleep. Greg was kept warm and toasty thanks to the front carrier! The girls were excited to experience "total darkness" in the cavern as we huddled together. We saw a bottomless lake as well.
After the cavern, we went to the little river that went into the cavern. Daniel enjoyed splashing around in the cool water.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Chimney Rock- July 27, 2009

The Bowden 5 packed up the Camry (yes, 2 adults, 2 kids and a baby in a sedan . . . it can be done, America) and headed to Western North Carolina for a week long vacation on June 25th. It was our first family vacation, as we usually go visit friends or family, which is always a treat, so we weren't sure if we'd end up sick of each other after 9 days!! We arrived Saturday evening, staying at a cabin of a fellow board member of Greg's that we won in the Dee Norton Lowcountry Children's Center auction. On Sunday, we went to Lake Lure. I was not impressed with the beach, or the cleanliness (or lack thereof) of the water. Thankfully, this was the only activity that didn't wow me all week!
On Monday, Greg took Sarah and Emily to Chimney Rock. At 8 months, I didn't think Daniel needed to be dragged all over a mountain. I was happy to say home with him, as he'll only be a baby for a little bit, and we have a lifetime to explore when he is bigger. The girls spent the day hiking all over creation with Greg, doing many activities that Greg told me were "only Daddy-approved." Sometimes it is just better if I do not know. What I do know is that they had a great time!

They went to the top of Chimney Rock, hiked the Hickory Nut Trail to a waterfall where they could play in the water, went tot Pulpit Rock (which looks like an altar), ate ice cream, and went to the gift shop for some mementos (a bracelet for Emily and a dream box for Sarah, and a puzzle of Grandfather Mountain for the family to do while on our vacation). Everyone came home tired, but happy!

Later that night, much to the girls' delight, we finally started Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!

Eight Months Old!

10 Weeks and One Day!

I'm counting down the days to Alex and Lauren's wedding! Sarah and Emily are flower girls for the event. On July 23rd, we went downtown to meet Lauren and her mom Debbie to to try on the dress at LulaKate that Lauren wants the girls to wear. The sample was way too big for Sarah, but it fit Emily!

12 Years Ago . . .

These pictures were taken on July 19, 2009 . . . our 12th wedding anniversary!

The Man of the House

When Greg is away, Daniel takes his role as "Man of the House" very seriously!

Watching The Cure

Daniel has good taste!

Look Who's Sitting!- July 13, 2009

Aunt Gene & Bubba's Pool

On Sunday, July 12th, we packed up and headed to Aunt Gene & Bubba's pool. While we were there, we decided to take a picture for Sarah's 10th birthday invitation. Every year Richard (Bubba) and Gene graciously open their pool (and home) to a huge crowd of people for Sarah's party. As a child, I spent countless hours in this very pool, so it is fun to have my own children play there, too.
We had a fun day playing, and we were happy to be joined by Nana, Joanna (Gene & Richard's daughter), Michael & Lincoln. Perhaps we can get Lincoln and Daniel in matching swimsuits to be aspiring synchronized swimmers in a few years!

Reading a Story- July 6, 2009

Grandpa's Journals- July 3, 2009

A few years ago, the girls each started a journal with Grandpa in Washington. They asked him three questions, wrote their answers, and sent them to him. He in turn answered their questions, wrote his three questions (and answered them), then mailed them back. Grandpa also includes with each mailing a picture of him from his childhood, which the girls put in their Grandpa scrapbooks. The journals have been a great way for the girls to feel close to Grandpa & Grandma since they live in Washington. It is always fun to read every one's questions and answers. One day Daniel will start his own journal with Grandpa, too!

Go Cubs!