Monday, August 10, 2009

Pisgah National Forest- August 1, 2009

We decided to spend our last full day in North Carolina at our favorite place- Looking Glass waterfall in Pisgah National Forest. Since it was Saturday, we figured Sliding Rock would be a zoo, so we decided we'd play in the waterfall and skip the rock, knowing that the fall might be crowded, too. When we arrived at the park, I went to the Ranger Station and picked up a waterfall map, thinking another fall might be less crowded. We headed to Looking Glass and played for quite some time. Greg took each of the girls on an adventure climbing rocks to get to the base of the fall. Daniel splashed and played on some rocks, but the water was too deep in most places for him to sit and play in the water. We saw a snake who looked very nervous about all of the people. We went down the stream quite a bit, where the girls enjoyed crossing the river on a large tree that hat fallen across the stream.
After our time at Looking Glass, we headed to another waterfall on our map that only involved a short hike with the baby. We found a beautiful fall, but it wasn't really conducive to frolicking, as we had hoped. We saw another snake, too! We decided to head back down and stop along the road to find a spot to play in the river, and that's where we found the perfect spot!
Hidden just off from one of the picnic areas, while Daniel had his dinner, Greg and the girls crossed a small stream and discovered a play land made for the entire family. It was breathtakingly beautiful, and we wished we had gone straight there! Daniel had a ball playing in the shallow water. He would pick up a rock, drop it, and watch it drift away in the current. Emily had fun sliding down a tiny waterfall, and Sarah enjoyed playing in the various "pools" created by rocks. There was a makeshift diving platform that must have been 8-10 feet high, but we didn't experience that. We did, however, enjoy watching others! It was the perfect spot, and a perfect end to our day!

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