Thursday, August 6, 2009

Chimney Rock- July 27, 2009

The Bowden 5 packed up the Camry (yes, 2 adults, 2 kids and a baby in a sedan . . . it can be done, America) and headed to Western North Carolina for a week long vacation on June 25th. It was our first family vacation, as we usually go visit friends or family, which is always a treat, so we weren't sure if we'd end up sick of each other after 9 days!! We arrived Saturday evening, staying at a cabin of a fellow board member of Greg's that we won in the Dee Norton Lowcountry Children's Center auction. On Sunday, we went to Lake Lure. I was not impressed with the beach, or the cleanliness (or lack thereof) of the water. Thankfully, this was the only activity that didn't wow me all week!
On Monday, Greg took Sarah and Emily to Chimney Rock. At 8 months, I didn't think Daniel needed to be dragged all over a mountain. I was happy to say home with him, as he'll only be a baby for a little bit, and we have a lifetime to explore when he is bigger. The girls spent the day hiking all over creation with Greg, doing many activities that Greg told me were "only Daddy-approved." Sometimes it is just better if I do not know. What I do know is that they had a great time!

They went to the top of Chimney Rock, hiked the Hickory Nut Trail to a waterfall where they could play in the water, went tot Pulpit Rock (which looks like an altar), ate ice cream, and went to the gift shop for some mementos (a bracelet for Emily and a dream box for Sarah, and a puzzle of Grandfather Mountain for the family to do while on our vacation). Everyone came home tired, but happy!

Later that night, much to the girls' delight, we finally started Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!

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