Monday, October 19, 2009

Operation Armadillo- October 14-15, 2009

It all started with an e-mail on July 9, 2008. Alex, a few days earlier at Supernatural Thursday, casually mentioned that he had looked at some rings for his beautiful girlfriend Lauren. We joked that it would be an awesome wedding gift from us to get the groom's cake from the Ace of Cakes. Well, less than a week later, the plan was set. We had to wait three months for the engagement, but in happened in October. All systems were go as top secret plans were hatched, contracts were signed, and contraptions (or cartraptions) were built after engineering consultations with Dave Cavalieri. The biggest kick was keeping it all a secret from the bride, the groom, and the bride's mother. Our 11 hours in Baltimore flew by, but the memories were well worth the trip! To see pictures, click here.

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