Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekend in New England- October 3, 2009

I neglected to take any pictures at the actual reunion, but my mother did! I'll post those once I have them. After the reunion (and a nap for the little man), we went to Newicks for some yummy lobster! Greg's goal was to eat a lobster the size of his head, but I don't think his lobster was that big.

Emily tried a little bit of lobster, and she liked it "kind of, yeah." Sarah did not want to try it, so she stuck with the calamari. Greg was the only lobster-eater not wearing a bib. We remembered fondly eating at the Newicks in Dover, New Hampshire for Joe & Kristin Peto's wedding rehearsal about 8 years earlier.

Daniel was quite a trooper during all of the excitement. While we dined on delicious treats from the sea, he ate his weight in Cheerios and yogurt melts. Sometimes life is so unfair for the buddy!

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