Monday, October 12, 2009

Weekend in New England- October 2, 2009

On October 2, 2009, we packed up and headed to Concord, New Hampshire for a Heath Family Reunion. It was Daniel's first flight, so we were eager to see how he would like it. We were flying to Manchester, NH, through Charlotte. However, the kind folks of US Air diverted us through DC since there was a delay in Charlotte. It was nice to see a proactive solution for once . . . and it meant Five Guys Burgers and Fries!

The girls were thrilled to sit "by themselves" on the airplane. Emily was not happy that snack boxes were not offered, but she was thrilled to see the Harry Potter items in the Sky Mall catalogue, so all was well in the end.

We ended up with a three hour lay over in DC, which was nice. It gave us plenty of time to eat, feed the boy, and let him play on his blanket.

Daniel enjoyed his beloved Maisy books repeatedly during the journey! Once we arrived in Manchester, it was just a short drive to Concord, where we stayed right by Bapa's station. We unloaded our stuff and met Aunt Chris, Uncle Bill, and Nana for dinner.

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