Friday, October 16, 2009

Weekend in New England- October 4, 2009

On Sunday, Sarah, Emily, Mom and I went on a walk (or drive) down memory lane. Our hotel was right by Bapa's station. Every time I visit the area I stop in and buy something. While I don't have as many exciting memories as Jeff does, I still remember being there and riding on the car lifts! We also saw the house Nanny and Bapa lived in when Mom was born and where she took accordion lessons.
We drove down Pembroke Road and saw Nanny & Bapa's old house. They lived at 135 Pembroke Road, the house where my mom grew up, but my memories are at the house next door, at 133 Pembroke Road. Nanny and Bapa built that house, and it is where I spent my time with them. Next we visited her elementary school and the church where she was married and my brother was baptized.
After our tour, we headed back to pack up for our trip home. We stopped by to say our farewells to Aunt Chris and Uncle Bill. Then we headed to Manchester to meet Joe, Kristin & Arwen for lunch before our flight. Arwen is one month older than Daniel, and as cute as can be! I'd love to show you a picture, but no one took one! We had a great visit, but then it was time to head home. Everyone had a great flight, and we arrived home safe and sound . . . but exhausted!

1 comment:

Jessi Spurlin said...

Sounds like you had a memorable time. I love visiting the town my grandparents lived in when I was growing up. So many summer memories from there!